‘Peabrain’ is a representation of the brain created by Sarah Grice. This is part of a series of several brain artworks by Sarah, depicting the brain in different fun ways, from ‘Wired‘ to ‘Woolly Thinking‘.
‘Peabrain’ was created using modelling clay to create the three ‘peas’, painted and varnished. The pod was made from several different materials, and the whole thing was photographed and put through Photoshop to create the finished item.
These images are part of a personal project of Sarah’s about the brain, particularly brain injury. Sarah had personal experience of the subject after her father suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage due to an aneurysm, and was left with a brain injury. Sarah realised there was a lack of images to publicise and create awareness about brain injuries and the associated conditions. “My aim was to create an image that was aesthetically pleasing whilst also making the subject seem more approachable, by taking something that can be quite frightening for those involved to try and lighten by adding a touch of humour”.
The Wellcome Trust supports research into the brain as part of its research challenge two: understanding the brain. The brain is still a mystery to us, but we are gradually unravelling its secrets. Last month, a study showed that brain disorders cost the UK around £113 billion each year, highlighting the need for more research and effective treatments.
Image credit: Sarah Grice, Wellcome Images
You can submit your images to be part of the Wellcome Images collection. Any image submitted before 30th September will be eligible for the 2014 Wellcome Image awards. There is more information on the Wellcome Trust Website.
Filed under: Neuroscience and Understanding the Brain, Science Art, Wellcome Images Tagged: Brain, Neuroscience, Peabrain, Sarah Grice